IIP alumni win Wisconsin Without Borders Awards

Two groups of students who worked with IIP for summer internships abroad were recognized at the Wisconsin Without Borders award ceremony on April 19, 2018.

Rose Lamensdorf, Kayla Hui and Krystal Du interned with Women’s Education Project through UW-Madison alumna Zoe Timms. Rose was in Madurai, India in summer 2016 working with young women in the I am a Leader program. Krystal was in Madurai, India in summer 2017 working on capturing photos and videos to share stories of the young women and collaborated with Kayla Hui who worked on the project from the NYC office. They received the 4W Award recognizing undergraduate students working for women and well being in Wisconsin and the world.

Ciara Michel, Bhabna Pati and Joe Perry interned with Children of Peace in Uganda in summer 2017 and participated in the Worldwide Internship Program online course for credit for their Global Health field experience. They received the Peter Bosscher award for undergraduate students.

See all the 2018 WWB Award winners