Whether you’re thinking about doing an international internship in the future or almost ready to submit your application, you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared! Here are IIP’s tips to help you put your best …
Budgeting on an International Internship
Interning abroad can be a fantastic experience that helps you define your career path, learn new skills, and gain professional contacts in your field. Unfortunately, it can also be expensive. Here are IIP’s top tips …
10 Useful Scholarship Tips for Interning Abroad
Scholarships are a great way to defray the cost of interning abroad. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the application process! 1. Start early The earlier you start researching scholarship options, the …
10 Tips to Polish Your Resume Before Interning Abroad
A resume is an essential part of every international internship application. It’s a way to quickly summarize your skills and experiences, and usually your first chance to impress a potential internship host. If you haven’t …