Gabriella Gaus Hinojosa ’19 was a summer 2017 intern at ALUBA in Buenos Aires. As a UW-Madison undergraduate, she majored in Psychology and Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies with a certificate in Chican@ & …
Alumni Profile: Alexandria Mason Mack, Argentina 2015
Alexandria Mason Mack ’17 interned at The Bubble in Buenos Aires, Argentina in summer 2015 after studying abroad in Argentina that spring. At UW-Madison she majored in Journalism with certificates in Afro-American Studies and Gender …
Becoming a Mental Health Professional: Pasito a Pasito
IIP Alum Gabriella Gaus writes about her professional experience including her summer internship in Buenos Aires, Argentina with ALUBA, which is accepting applications for summer 2018 (deadline 02/18). by Gabriella Gaus Although I was born …